Auditing Your Sales Funnel To Increase Conversions

Auditing Your Sales Funnel To Increase Conversions

Sales Funnels not converting? People not opting in to access your lead magnet freebies or webinars? People no-showing on strategy sessions? Trouble figuring out what to do next? Before you decide to chalk it up as a loss, find out how to take a successful audit of...
Auditing Your Sales Funnel To Increase Conversions

Storytelling In Your Marketing To Attract Clients

Remember those lectures you had in school where all you would hear is, “blah, blah, blah, blah.” Daydreaming about what you are going to do after class. Why? Because the instructor didn’t capture your attention. Wasn’t relating to you. Want to know the story structure...
Auditing Your Sales Funnel To Increase Conversions

Crafting Your Signature Story To Go Viral! Part 2

Carla is back at it again to assist you with going viral. She continues to answer the question, How do you tell your story in a way that sets you up to go viral and have massive exposure? Get your pens and notepads ready so you can take notes and implement the gems...